About Us
BnG Books Publishers
for all your publishing needs

All about BnG Books Publishers
Our motto? We're Here to Help!
Let's redefine your role in this world.
Our door is open to working with authors in this writing journey, sharing experiences.
We use what we've learned and use it to help other authors get moving.
Our rates are built for the self-publish author wannabes.
E-mail us for latest rates and we are positive you'll be surprised. Let's face it, we will never make enough to keep the jukebox playing, beer flowing, and everyone happy.
Some of our talented authors report
They are available to help me at the last minute!​
They work on MY schedule: Fast, friendly, and understandable.
They are always available to help w my hectic schedule
You will love the rates these ladies quote
Both Judilee and GaGa are easy to work with ... and fun too!​​​​​​​